Does Good Governance Matter During Pandemic in Fragile Settings?

PDF Review History

Published: 2024-05-04

Page: 96-109

Abdihakim Osman Ali *

Road #1, Presidency Street, 26 June Avenue, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This paper examines the efforts of the National Committee for COVID19 (NCC19) in Somaliland to promote public accountability and fiscal transparency during the course of COVID19. Using both quantitative and qualitative primary and secondary data, it was noted that the majority of NCC19's members were politicians who would rather not be transparent and cannot be brought to account, in practice. Due to the ineffectiveness of integrity institutions including Auditor General, Public Accounts Committee of the Representative’s House, NCC19 had unprecedented leeway in making fiscal decisions. As a consequence, a million dollars intended for COVID19 response operations and funds from passengers' tests have vanished without a trace. Since its establishment in 2020's early months, NCC19 has never undergone an audit, and its financial reports have always been unprofessional. In times of crises, creation of an ad hoc Ministerial Committee has become tradition. But in fact, this Committee has no legal personality, and its members are saddled with enormous responsibilities. Alternatively, strengthening NADFOR's leadership and capabilities might provide a lasting answer to the problem. Creation of Parliamentary Committee for Emergency Operations, effective engagement of civil society organizations and the media during crises increases transparency and public accountability. As part of the International Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), it is also suggested that an emergency procurement law and automated financial management system be implemented to ensure transparent use of emergency funds.

Keywords: Public accountability, fiscal transparency, COVID19, Somaliland

How to Cite

Ali, A. O. (2024). Does Good Governance Matter During Pandemic in Fragile Settings?. Asian Research Journal of Current Science, 6(1), 96–109. Retrieved from


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