Determination of Energy Storage Capacity Requirement for a Hybrid Renewable Power Generation System

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Published: 2024-05-08

Page: 110-121

Okoye, Akachukwu Hyacienth

Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Niger Delta University, Nigeria.

Ainah, Priye Kenneth *

Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Niger Delta University, Nigeria.

IBE, Anthony Ogbonnaya

Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Niger Delta University, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The sector of energy storage is increasingly becoming prominent in the context of renewable energy applications. The objective of this study was to ascertain the necessary energy storage capacity for a hybrid renewable power producing system. The utilization of the Bat optimization algorithm improved the sizing strategy by reducing the financial costs and mitigating losses in the system, particularly in relation to load shedding and wind curtailment. The study examined and analysed five primary categories of battery systems. The evaluation and comparison of these entities were conducted using techno-economic and environmental parameters within the context of the Nigerian power market scenario. The findings of the study indicate that the lead-acid battery exhibits the lowest investment costs and quickest payback times. Additionally, the NaS battery demonstrated superior state of charge (SOC) characteristics and the highest net present value (NPV) when compared to the lead-acid battery. Therefore, they offer an improved solution characterised by decreased maintenance issues and an extended lifespan. Despite their high efficiency, Li-ion batteries are considered less favourable due to their significant capital investment requirements. Flow batteries have been shown to have limited advantages due to their high initial costs. The study thus suggests that in order to address energy deficit, it is imperative to stimulate the adoption of grid and off-grid renewable energy technology systems through various mechanisms, such as subsidies.

Keywords: Energy storage, energy applications, power generation

How to Cite

Hyacienth, O. A., Kenneth , A. P., & Ogbonnaya , I. A. (2024). Determination of Energy Storage Capacity Requirement for a Hybrid Renewable Power Generation System. Asian Research Journal of Current Science, 6(1), 110–121. Retrieved from


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